Your little one’s first birthday is a big deal. The past year has been filled with so many ups and downs as a parent and your little one has hit so many little milestones. It’s hard to even wrap your head around how quickly time has passed by and suddenly your little one has turned one. (don’t cry!) Little Laughter Films understands how important that first year is and we aim to capture it and present it back to you and your loved ones in the most memorable way possible, via a Little Laughter Films Feature Film Package.
Little Laughter Films can help you create a memorable 1st birthday film
What could be more beautiful and memorable than showing an emotional and heartful video at your child’s first birthday celebration? At most first birthday celebrations, people choose to either throw a collage of photographs up on a corkboard, or some may even go all out and have a photo slideshow playing on a wall. But what if you could have a lovely and professional video created to showcase your special event instead?
Little Laughter Films can highlight your baby’s first year in a beautiful keepsake feature film video that is sure to be the highlight of your birthday event. Everyone will get to feel the emotion behind the personal story being told and it will make for an impactful and beautiful experience. A slideshow of still photos just isn’t able to capture your child’s first year the same way a Little Laughter Films video can.
To make the absolute best baby’s first birthday highlight video possible, keep these tips in mind:
- Ask your friends and family to take videos of themselves using their smartphones wishing the birthday kid a happy birthday. Make sure they know to go into a quiet space with good window lighting. Also, be sure to ask them to film holding their camera/phone horizontally.
- Capture videos of your little one and talk about their birth stats (height, weight, etc) and compare it to how big they are now and how much they’ve changed.
- Use your own phone to film yourself talking about your baby’s first year. Your experiences, the milestones they hit, your happiest moments, the funny moments, the hardest moments, and all the moments you don’t want to ever forget. Have both parents do this if possible as it will be beautiful to see it from different perspectives.
- Set up a pre-birthday video shoot. Do it a few weeks before the party. Film them from different angles and perspectives. Film the laughing, eating, close-ups of their face and toes. Whatever makes you happy.
Seriously though, you can’t go wrong. And don’t delete any footage because we want to see it all. Send it to us and our editors will go through it and make sure to pick out the most magical moments that will be used to tell your baby’s first-year story in a keepsake video.
Make sure to check out how easy it is to organize all your video footage by clicking THIS LINK.
Some Other 1st Birthday Ideas & Helpful Hints
Aside from making the smart choice and featuring a Little Laughter Feature Film at your baby’s first birthday party, there are things to take into consideration. Like, how fancy should the party be? How long should it be? What kind of food will you serve if any at all? Who should you invite or how intimate should you keep it? Should the party be themed or more laid back? Should your baby have a smash cake or do you hate that idea? Maybe you should do cupcakes instead of a traditional cake. So many things.
Below are a few ideas and tips on how to make your child’s 1st birthday a smashing success, with or without that “smash cake”.
1. Keep it simple.
Keep everything nice and simple. Trust us, finger foods will go over just as well with your guests as fancy hors d’oeuvre. Maybe even better since kiddies are involved. You can create an amazing party without stressing yourself out over 1000 micro details. You’ll also be able to enjoy yourself and your little one’s big day a bit more too.
2. Keep it colorful.
Kids love colors. Heck, everyone loves a colorful and festive party. Add colorful party platters, colorful wrapping paper, decorations, and even drinks. You can’t go wrong with brightness and fun. Of course, if you want to go black and white or monochrome, that’s totally up to you.
3. Keep the pictures and videos coming.
Don’t forget to have friends and family or even a professional photographer or videographer at the party taking candid pictures and capturing videos of the big event. You’re going to want to see the party from other perspectives and you don’t want to look back and wish you had more footage to keep as a beloved memory.
4. Keep it themed. Or not.
Seriously. Themes are so much fun. And there are too many to name to choose from. If you’re planning on theming the first birthday party, try thinking outside the box. Maybe you want to have a Board Book-Inspired party, a rainbow-themed party, a party based on your little one’s favorite tv show or cartoon, or maybe you just want to go old school and get a clown that’s sure to terrify children for years to come. One thing we can tell you is that while choosing to do a theme can be fun for a lot of people, it can also be too much for others. Do what feels right for you and your child.
5. Keep it short & sweet.
We don’t need to remind you, we’re sure, that your little one is still small. With a party going on they are likely to get tired more quickly. It’s possible they may become overstimulated or a little crankier than normal. Keeping the party to a shorter length is just plain smart. For you and for your little one. You can always facetime friends and family more later on.
6. Keep it easy to clean.
Again, we feel like we’re preaching to the choir here, but keep in mind that everything that goes up must come down. That includes decorations, food, tables and chairs, and so much more. Consider purchasing items that may make the clean-up process easier for yourself. Like tossable table cloths, dishes, and other tableware. If you’re cooking, do it in disposable cookware to toss once empty. Or maybe call in that favor your family or friend owes you and let someone else take care of it, then you can take a nap with the birthday kid. We’re sure you deserve it.
At Little Laughter Films, we understand that a first birthday party isn’t just a chance to create new memories but also a chance to re-live them with your friends and family. Choosing to show a Little Laughter Film which highlights your little one’s entire first year at your baby’s first birthday party will be a show-stopper and people will be talking about it for years to come. You can read more about our First Year Feature Film Option below or by clicking the link.
The Feature Film is an amazing way to recap your little one’s entire first year of life. Send us all of your footage. We’ll take anywhere from 250 to 500 clips and turn it into a 7-15 minute video showcasing your baby’s 1st year. It’s the perfect way to share all your precious moments with friends and family at your child’s first birthday party celebration.
No matter what theme your party will be, no matter what food you serve, or how many people you decide to invite, one thing is sure and that is that your celebration will be the most memorable it can be when you feature your Little Laughter Films video.